2024 Miss Chinese Toronto Pageant Finals Concluded Successfully. #1 Juvally Chan Crowned the 30th Miss Chinese Toronto Champion!
《2024多倫多華裔小姐競選》總決賽圓滿舉行 1號陳靖如表現大勇奪冠 成為第30屆多倫多華裔小姐冠軍

第30屆《多倫多華裔小姐競選》,已於11月30日(星期六),在一片熱鬧與歡呼聲中圓滿落幕!1號陳靖如憑全晚穩定及亮眼的表現,給評審留下深刻印象,摘下桂冠,成為第30位多倫多華裔小姐冠軍,別具意義。3號蘇芷晞奪亞軍;季軍2號詹星悅,她同時獲得士嘉堡Kingscross Hyundai 最上鏡小姐。另外,美源髮采亮麗秀髮獎及友誼小姐獎分別由4號李嘉莉及5號游慈欣獲得。
本屆評審團隊包含:著名電影導演徐寶華先生、著名多媒體藝人林嘉華先生、著名歌星方曉虹小姐、北京聯合大學服裝表演專業教師劉默小姐、約克大學設計系教授暨安省最高榮譽勳章得主伍啟榮教授 。大會核數師為任志偉先生特許會計師,並由蕭嘉俊先生、章志文先生擔任大會司儀;林峰先生、何志宏先生擔任會場司儀。
新時代電視1台 | 12月8日 | 星期日 | 9PM
新時代電視2台| 12月14日 | 星期六 | 8PM EST
城市電視| 12月29日 | 星期日 | 5:40PM/11PM EST
The 30th Miss Chinese Toronto Pageant concluded with great excitement and cheers on Saturday, November 30! #1, Juvally Chan, captivated the judges with her consistent and outstanding performance throughout the evening, earning her the prestigious crown and becoming the 30th Miss Chinese Toronto Pageant champion—a moment of special significance. #3, Natalie So, was awarded the first runner-up title, and #2, Samantha Chim, claimed the second runner-up position and also received the Scarborough Kingscross Hyundai Miss Photogenic Award. Additionally, the Bigen Silky Hair Award was won by #4, Carly Lee, and the Miss Congeniality Award went to #5, Delaney Yau.
The distinguished judging panel featured Mr. Ridley Tsui (Well-known director); Mr. Dominic Lam (Renowned Multimedia Artist); Ms. Angela Fong (Famous singer); Ms. Mona Liu (Professional Instructor of Fashion Show Performance at Beijing Union University), and Prof. Albert Ng, O. Ont. (Professor in the Design Department at York University /Recipient of the “Order of Ontario”). The results were audited by the Official Auditor, Mr. Alexis Yam, CA. Master of Ceremonies were Mr. Leo Shiu, Mr. Albert Cheung, Mr. Rick Lam and Mr. Daniel Ho.
Champion Juvally Chan was impressed throughout the competition despite opening every segment. During the Swimsuit Q&A, she shared her inspiration to establish a “Miss Chinese Toronto Fund” to support charitable initiatives, showcasing her kindness and positivity. Her erhu performance of the lively piece “Freedom” during the talent segment left the audience in awe.
1st Runner-Up, Natalie So, radiated confidence in the opening segment, while her humour in the Swimsuit Q&A, proposing to write an autograph book for judge Mr. Dominic Lam, drew applause. 2nd Runner-Up Samantha Chim’s energetic K-POP dance performance added a unique flair to the show, and won the admiration of 27 past winners, the judging panel of the Miss Photogenic award, earning her the Miss Photogenic title.
A highlight of the show was the vibrant sports-themed dance. The eight contestants, divided into two groups, performed boxing and basketball-inspired dances, blending strength and grace!
To mark the 30th anniversary of the Miss Chinese Toronto Pageant, 27 past winners were invited to join this grand celebration, offering the audience a chance to revisit 29 years of cherished memories. Many of these titleholders travelled from other countries such as China, Hong Kong, the United States, and the United Kingdom to reunite in Toronto, making it a truly heartwarming event.
The show also showcased a highly anticipated performance by Feature Performer German Ku, winner of “Midlife Sing &Shine! 2.” He delighted the audience with his heartfelt and long-anticipated. Additionally, David Ruan, champion of “Those Days · These Songs” Singing Contest Season 2, inaugurated the show with a stunning fashion-led performance alongside the eight contestants. Each contestant donned sophisticated outfits, creating a visually spectacular moment that captivated the audience.
We sincerely extend our heartfelt gratitude to all sponsors and audiences for their unwavering support over the past 30 years. Your dedication has allowed the Miss Chinese Toronto Pageant to flourish, providing a platform for young Chinese women in Toronto to pursue their dreams, shine and showcase their talents!
For those who missed the show, please stay tuned on:
Fairchild TV 1 | December 8 (Sunday) | 9 PM
Fairchild TV 2 | December 14 (Saturday) | 8 PM EST
Talentvision TV | December 29 (Sunday) | 5:40 PM / 11 PM EST