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Join us for an exclusive journey of the 2024 Miss Chinese Toronto Pageant!
逐格Focus 整個競選過程 盡在《熒幕八爪娛》及《城市串吧》

特別環節「MCTP in Focus」為你呈現多倫多華裔小姐最真、最難忘的參選過程。記得鎖定節目《熒幕八爪娛》及《城市串吧》內的報導!
📺 新時代電視 1台 |《熒幕八爪娛》| 逢星期日 7:40pm
📺 城市電視 |《城市串吧》| 逢星期六 7:55pm EST / 8pm PST
Follow all the latest updates as we cover every step of the contestants' experience, from audition, contract signing, and the official promotional video shoot, to rehearsals, press conference, and winner interviews after the pageant. Don’t miss our special segment, "MCTP in Focus," which captures the most genuine and unique moments of the pageant. Be sure to catch all the coverage on “What’s On” and "Urban Life"!
📺 What’s On | FTV1 | every Sunday at 7:40pm
📺 Urban Life | TTV | every Saturday at 7:55pm EST / 8pm PST
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