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“Flying To The Sky” with Orbis Virtual Tour

候選佳麗參與了Orbis Canada 的虛擬參觀(Virtual Tour),由行政總裁Lisa McKeen、飛行眼科醫院總監Maurice Geary及飛機營運及維修總監Bruce Johnson親自導航,透過螢光幕深入探訪這所獨一無二的空中醫院。佳麗積極發問,用心聆聽,認識慈善的力量,一同探索Orbis如何在每一個起飛降落間改變生命,踏上光明之路。
The contestants joined a virtual tour of the Orbis Flying Eye Hospital, guided by Orbis Canada CEO, Lisa McKeen, Director of the Flying Eye Hospital, Maurice Geary, and Director of Aircraft Operations and Maintenance, Bruce Johnson. They explored this unique Flying Eye Hospital, actively engaging with questions and gaining insights into the power of charity. Together, they learned how Orbis transforms lives with every takeoff and landing, paving the way for a brighter future.

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