The contestants met the judging panel for the first time
著名電影導演 徐寶華導演
著名多媒體藝人 林嘉華先生
著名歌星 方曉虹小姐
北京聯合大學服裝表演專業教師 劉默小姐
約克大學設計系教授暨安省最高榮譽勳章得主 伍啟榮教授
大會核數師: 任志偉先生 特許會計師
The contestants met the judging panel for the first time last night. During a Q&A session, the judges got to know the contestants, and the contestants also had the opportunity to identify their areas for improvement, helping them better prepare for the final in three days. The contestants even sought valuable advice for the final, and it's certain they gained a lot from the session.
This year’s judging panel includes:
Mr. Ridley Tsui, Well-known FilmDirector
Mr. Dominic Lam, RenownedMultimedia Artist
Ms. Angela Fong, Famous Singer
Ms. Mona Liu, ProfessionalInstructor of Fashion Show Performance at Beijing Union University
Official Auditor: Mr. Alexis Yam,CA